Spend Management: Definition and Strategy Explained
In this article, you’ll learn about spend management and the best strategies to apply for your business growth.

What is the definition of spend management and what strategies can you take to optimize it? There hasn’t been a more stark reminder than the covid-19 pandemic that you need to be focusing on spend management more actively.
On a personal level as well as on a business level, spend management has always been a go-to tool to increase your savings and cut down on costs. It not only makes your business more efficient but it also has the potential to increase your profit manifold.
On an individual basis, spend management can help you consolidate your emergency funds so that they come in handy in times of need.
What’s in this article?
- Spend management definition
- Who needs to manage spendings?
- Business spend management for better performance
- Spend management strategy
- The best spend management software solutions
- The best spend management software solutions for businesses
- Spend management software solutions especially for saas
- Spend management in the cloud
- FAQs
Spend management definition
In today’s time and age, when our social media feeds and our lives are consistently bombarded by capitalistic promotions, spend management can be a cumbersome task.
Maintaining regular records of how much you spend and analyzing the monthly report to reap further profits needs the investment of your time and sometimes, even your money.
But the benefits of monitoring and controlling the amounts you spend make all that effort more than worthwhile.
Who needs to manage spendings
Every individual or business, no matter their size, scale, or segment, needs an effective spend management strategy. Decisions regarding any type of heavy spend amounts must not be made in haste.
Appropriate research and strategic vetting of all the available options is required. Data visibility is necessary for organizations to best lead their class. A robust spend management strategy can often reveal more profitable resources and show you new ways of thinking about costs and your overall spend.
Spend management systems can change a dull year into a profitable one with more data visibility. Never forget to save all your receipts!

Business spend management for better performance
Spend management does not just mean cutting back on expenses or your personal purchases. It also includes the strategic management of your data costs and overall spend so much so that your business priorities are met on time and you are able to achieve your financial goals for the future.
It also focuses on increasing your savings over time and putting control on your unnecessary expenses. There are several emerging tools that may also help in the future of remote working.
Best in class corporate firms invest heavily in expense management strategies that best suit their portfolio. A proficient spend management strategy will ensure that you are able to get the maximum benefit out of every penny you spend on your business or on yourself. Managing or processing your company’s data better is a sure-shot way to exceed in your class.
9 Tips for spend management strategy
Let us talk about some spend management strategies that are simple to implement but might prove very advantageous in the long run. Here are some spend management/processing tips that will come in handy for your business.
1. Identify your major spend amounts
The most important step to build an effective spend management strategy is to identify your and major spend and expense areas. Typically, a business has three types of spendings apart from the working capital, start-up expenses, improvement costs and expenditure on assets. A good spend management strategy will take into account all three. While start-up expenses are a one-time cost, costs related to improvement and assets are required to be regularly looked at to ensure efficiency.
A detailed analysis of the working expense of the business might prove very beneficial when it comes to securing larger profits. However, expense management strategies are not just about increasing profits, they also focus on devising effective risk management strategies, meeting social responsibility requirements and ensuring legal compliance of the business.
2. Automate the data collection process
Collecting data of all your expenses, savings and spend accounts might sound easy on paper but it is a daunting task in real life. More so, for businesses that have not been regularly maintaining the accounts for the business. Managing and processing large data in your company thus becomes a difficult task. Large-scale businesses are often on the lookout for the best-in-class software that can automate and optimize the data collection processes efficiently. But in today’s digitized world, even small-scale businesses are required to invest in making the data procurement processes as automated as possible. Search for a spend management system that enables a number of users at the same time and is also easy to use for the users.
With the rising advances in technology, several easy-to-use spend management tools are available in the market that will help you digitize the data on your computers. The best thing about the digitization of data is the availability and visibility of all your reports on the cloud. The possibility of losing such data has decreased manifold. It creates an advanced level of security and low risk while helping you optimize your spend amount.
3. Review all your business-related costs
When it comes to strategic spend management, it is also important to keep a close eye on the business costs. The cost that you are paying for your raw materials has a large impact on your profits. Is that the least cost? Will you be able to secure a better cost with another vendor? You should also focus on building a relationship with your vendor in order to ensure they supply you the stock at a profitable cost.
But an efficient spend management strategy will also ensure that you do not rely too heavily on just one vendor. Costs related to raw material are important but you should also not ignore other fixed costs. Electricity-related, technology-related and labor-related costs often go through massive upheavals and you should be well-prepared to deal with such scenarios.
4. Put your expenses in strategic categories
There are numerous types of spendings required for a business. Where most of your money goes depends on the size, scale and type of your business. In order to ensure that you are able to get your hands on a more understandable and complete review of your data points, it is essential to put them in strategic categories. For example, all technology-related expenditures can be put under the header ‘Technology cost.’
It not only helps in calculating aggregate spend amount based on different categories but it also helps you decide the categories that need a cut back on their expenses and the categories that help you augment your savings. A business can’t be successful till the business runners know where their money is going. Without a complete study of the business’s spend amount and costs, one cannot come up with an efficient spend management strategy.
5. Develop a uniform spend management policy for the organization
In the case of a large-scale firm, it is not always possible for the business runners to keep a close eye on all spend amounts. Having a uniform spend management policy can help you ensure that the employees are right on track. Many spend management software are also available in the market that can help you automate and digitize such policies as well. It ensures zero chance of risk and helps organizations avoid bottlenecks for expenditure approvals.
The company’s workflow is also not affected if the uniform spend management policy is created keeping the company’s needs in mind. A uniform spend management policy ensures complete control over the procurement processes while making them smoother and easier to function. Your company can start reducing your cost with the services received from a better data management policy right away.
6. Complete integration of procurement and finance operations
A transparent relationship between the procurement needs of the employees and the finance team of organizations goes a long way when it comes to effective spend management. While a finance team might not always understand the immediacy and importance of a procurement request, delays in such approvals can lead to frustrated employees and even losses in businesses in some cases. In order to ensure a workable relationship between the two teams, it might be a good idea to integrate the procurement and finance softwares to optimize the spend management process.
This will ensure that the finance team has all the relevant insights when it comes to the business’s spend needs. It will also make the finance team better equipped to ensure procurement compliance. Investing in a good integration technology will bring punctuality and transparency to the procurement process along with reduced chances of red-tapism and nepotism. The simple process of data management makes financial services and procurement services must more streamlined.
7. Look for spend management solutions and softwares
Investing in a good spend management software can prove beneficial to a large-scale company as it helps to optimize the spend management process. The incidents of corruption in big firms are more frequent. A spend management software that is not easy to trick is the need of the hour in such firms as it can help save on a number of miscellaneous expenses. This will increase your savings in the long run.
Inaccurate information about the spend amounts is harder to enter in digital software because it can quickly point out the discrepancy. Spend management softwares can provide you the solutions to all your spend-related needs. It can help you in tracking and managing your purchases and procurement expenses without putting in much effort.
They are great tools for helping you generate an overall spend report and several other reports that are essential services for advanced data analysis of your overall performance and your performance in the past. It will not only optimize all data but create centralized repositories so that you can make informed decisions about the company’s overall spend.
8. Decide on the strategy best suited for your business type
A good spend management strategy doesn’t just focus on cutting back on spend amounts, it ensures maximum profits on the money you spend on your business. For example, if you keep rolling back on your procurement expenses like the cost of necessary raw materials, it will be very difficult for your business to make profits. A good spend management strategy will help you decide what is the right time to scale up or scale down on raw material expenses based on market trends and market predictions. For example, it will prove much more beneficial in the long run to spend on employee bonus programs in a good year. It helps increase their motivation and capture better efficiency. Therefore, it is most essential to search for the spend management strategy that best suits your business type and helps you achieve your business goals. It will also help you with tax receipts.
9. Invest in planning major spend for the future
While it is always important to spend wisely, planning your expenses ahead in time always goes a long way! The importance of planning ahead when it comes to healthy profit-making cannot be stressed enough. Spend management softwares can draw up predicted spend plans by analyzing the company’s performance of the previous year to help you analyze the data points. You can then make informed decisions about where you are required to spend more heavily and where you need to cut back on spend amounts.
Being well aware of the market trends is of the utmost importance when it comes to running a successful business. Market predictions can often turn the business needs upside down. It is important to have a contingency plan in case things don’t go as planned. More often than not, it is the changes in the business environment that make it incredibly difficult for a business to sail through. One of the best solutions is to increase the adaptability of your business and keep regular track of its spend accounts. It is also helpful to regularly contribute to your savings and use it only in times of dire emergencies.
The best spend management software solutions for people who want to take care of their personal finance
Now that we have discussed some tips when it comes to effective spend management for a business, let’s also discuss some strategies that will come in handy when it comes to personal spend management.
Maintaining your desired standard of living is becoming increasingly difficult in the recession-hit world. The cost of living has hit the roof and prices are rising every day. But that is not mapping as clearly as we would like on our salaries and profits. Poverty is at an all-time high and the average purchasing capacity is plummeting downwards. For people who do not have accumulated wealth to fall back on, an effective spend management strategy is of the utmost importance when it comes to managing personal finances. Here are some spend management tips to help you manage your personal finances.
1. Design a practical budget
Gone are the days when you could live prodigally and spend as per your whims on an exorbitant luxury item! It is the need of the hour to design a workable budget and stick to it at all costs. Otherwise, you will soon find yourself struggling to get control on your finances very soon. A budget is a very handy tool when it comes to putting control on your unnecessary expenses and bumping up your savings. To design a budget, you need to take into account your expenses, your income and your savings. And then keeping your financial goals and priorities in mind, you need to design a budget that is not too hard to stick to.
Please remember to go easy on yourself, do not cut back on heavy purchases all of a sudden. Give yourself some time and slowly reduce the amount you spend on yourself. It is also a good idea to put your expenses in rough categories based on their type. These categories will come in handy when you have to take decisions about cost reductions. This helps you select the categories where you need to cut back on costs. It is also not enough to just design a budget, regular compliance will help in the long run.
2. Cut back on unnecessary spending
After figuring out where your money is going, it is important to let go of some expenses. Do you really use that gym membership or that magazine subscription? This does not mean you drastically overturn your lifestyle. Small changes in your spending data style can go a long way in helping you fare through tough times. A good spend management strategy is to formulate a couple of questions you need to go back to before making heavy purchases. Do you need this product or service at this time?
Should you invest in it at a later date? Will you reap the maximum benefits out of this product? Is this a good cost? Can you get a better price through a different supplier? A relevant spend management policy datasheet will help you gain more control over your buying needs and prove beneficial in the long run.
3. Pay off your debt
Not paying back your debt in a timely fashion can soon lead to severe financial problems in your future. You should always be mindful of your debt amounts and have a good plan as to when and how you have to pay them off.
You need to incorporate this information into your spend management system. Your spend management strategy should include your EMIs and your loan installments. Credit card debt should be watched over regularly and paid off at timely intervals. This will help you keep a close eye on your spending. Search for effective ways to manage timely payments. Automated payments by your bank are a viable option if you find yourself forgetting to pay back the amount.
4. Save and invest in your future
An effective spend management strategy will make sure that you manage enough funds to meet your everyday needs. It will also save and invest in your future. Real estate, life insurance schemes, and investing in stocks are some ways to ensure a regular supply of money. They will work even when you are retired or in a state of emergency. A spend management strategy focuses on savings as much as spending. Enrolling in workshops that help you decide on better investment options according to your portfolio is also a good idea.
With the help of the internet, you can search for such online workshops very easily. Multiple users can also be registered. This ensures effective spend management strategies for all your family members as well. It also helps you in diversifying your investment categories while reducing risk and increasing financial control.
5. Read spend management books
While reading books may seem very old school in today’s world, it still has its benefits. Several spend management books are available for free on the internet. You can also select a paid one if you think it is the right fit for you. Reading spend management books makes you more cognizant of your expenses. It also offers new solutions and strategies to improve your spend management system. Spend management is a skill that people take time to learn. Of course, your practical training comes in handy and the more time you spend with it, the more tips you learn.
The best spend management software solutions for businesses
Advanced level data analysis can only be conducted on data that has been digitized. Digitization of manual records can take quite a bit of time. It is more advantageous to invest in an automated system of data collection beforehand. This will make you better prepared to build and improve your spend management strategy at all times. Such services work as an asset to your company to manage your financial data. Not only does this save you the cost of management later but also helps promote visibility.
Spend management software solutions especially for saas
While selecting a spend management solution, you’d want to look for those that cater to your specific needs. Using Software As a Service (Saas), it’s still important you check all features that suit your needs. Check for software that can ease your spend management services, such as receipt management and expense report generation. Spend management software solutions help reduce the time you spend in managing receipts and income.
Spend management in the cloud
WellyBox is a unique receipt scanner app that offers you free trial services to manage your financial data better. It is available on the website as well as an app and helps you automate your receipt scanning ability. With a focus to save you time, you can get automatic receipts simply by taking a pic. Now you can base financial decisions and learn how to get your budget in check easily. WellyBox uses two amazing technologies to project your receipt management straight to your accounting software providers or in the cloud. View all your receipt data in one place easily.
You can manage spending in the best way using spend management apps. These apps help you organize, store and share receipts and expense reports which helps you manage your expenses easily
Nobody wants to do manual work of recording receipts. A good spending tracker app will automatically scan your inbox for receipts. You can also snap a pic and store paper receipts digitally with ease and automation.
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